Who We Are
The Kitsap Children’s Museum began as a grassroots effort by members of the community to create an interactive environment for families and children to explore, learn, laugh, create, and challenge themselves to become positive and productive members of a global society. We are an emerging children's museum and a member of the Association of Children’s Museums.
In 2019, the need emerged and a vision for a children’s museum in Kitsap County formed. Initially two groups of parents and educators sought out to gather community interest and identify stakeholders. The two groups came together at the start of 2020, selecting a name, initial mission and board of directors to lead the initiative. In 2020, just a few weeks shy of a global pandemic, Kitsap Children’s Museum filed as a 501c3 and registered as a nonprofit in the state of Washington.
Since June 2021, Kitsap Children’s Museum board of directors and volunteers have hosted interactive museum experiences at fairs, festivals, and through partnerships with local arts and cultural organizations.
We are a civic-minded group of community members, parents, grandparents, nonprofit professionals, and educators who see a gap in our region in providing this essential community asset.